Come to the Hands-on lab at the Alaska Homestead Expo 2025
Ellie’s two repeated sessions on Saturday April 5: 9am to 10:30am and 10:30 to Noon
Also called Calcium for Dummies & Boron for Morons
Wasilla at Menard Center
At the Alaska Homestead Expo
Put your lab apron on! You’re going to become a Mad Scientist and formulate your own custom liquid fertilizer. The Soil Whisperer will reveal secrets about nourishing your garden with 2 of the most commonly deficient but tricky minerals. After you apply your formula to your seedlings, vegetables, fruits, and flowers, stand back as your garden bursts with healthier fruits & vegetables!
Register HERE
ABOUT the Alaska Homestead Expo
Featuring Joel Salatin, Holistic Hilda, Dr. Sina McCullough, Darryl Patton of the Southern Herbalist, David Stelzer of Azure Standard, and Jeff Mattox of Fertrell Feed
Wasilla at Menard Center
Fri-Sat-Sun. April 4-5-6. 9am - 5pm
Early Bird $85; Regular $99, Family $260
Tapes Available