Our current class schedules are available to download!

Regenerative Gardening & Farming --The Comprehensive Growers’ Course 2025
Indulge in 6 weeks of fun and learning!
Two repeat courses: Six Friday afternoons 1:30pm to 4pm in Palmer Feb 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21, 28
Plus optional field trip Saturday Apr 19—
or six Saturday afternoons 1:30pm to 4pm in Wasilla Feb 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Plus optional field trip Saturday Apr 19 1:30pm to 4pm
$199. Register HERE for Palmer. Register HERE for Wasilla
The focus of this course is how to:
-- raise a garden that is ecological, regenerative, & organic
--optimize soil health
--successfully produce an abundance of food within Alaska conditions
With lively labs, instruction, and an armload of hands-on materials, you’ll learn how and why to:
--grow tasty, nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits
--choose which fertilizers, microbes, and organic matter to apply (vs. guessing),
--manage pests and diseases non-toxically
--select your site, seeds, varieties, and methods of extending the season
--wisely apply crop rotations, cover crops, compost extracts, biochar
--design a working plan and a compost system
--construct a compost demo pile & make soil blocks
NOTE A: This is less expensive than my 1-credit college course. Yay!
NOTE B: You won’t get this information from free YouTube videos. I’ll be bringing my 35 years of Alaska experience.
NOTE C: This course is offered annually, so please experience a season of gardening before taking this jam-packed intensive.

Make Your Own All-Purpose Fertilizer
Anchorage Garden Club at the Central Lutheran Church in Anchorage
Thursday April 3
Biz mtg 6:30pm. Program 7pm. A hands-on lab.
Free. Guests are welcome, but
PLEASE email LAH.1971@hotmail.com
so we have a count for materials

Hands-On Lab! Make Your Own Organic Fertilizer Spray Or, Calcium for Dummies & Boron for Morons
Come to the Hands-on lab at the Alaska Homestead Expo 2025
Ellie’s two repeated sessions on Saturday April 5: 9am to 10:30am and 10:30 to Noon
Also called Calcium for Dummies & Boron for Morons
Wasilla at Menard Center
At the Alaska Homestead Expo
Put your lab apron on! You’re going to become a Mad Scientist and formulate your own custom liquid fertilizer. The Soil Whisperer will reveal secrets about nourishing your garden with 2 of the most commonly deficient but tricky minerals. After you apply your formula to your seedlings, vegetables, fruits, and flowers, stand back as your garden bursts with healthier fruits & vegetables!
Register HERE
ABOUT the Alaska Homestead Expo
Featuring Joel Salatin, Holistic Hilda, Dr. Sina McCullough, Darryl Patton of the Southern Herbalist, David Stelzer of Azure Standard, and Jeff Mattox of Fertrell Feed
Wasilla at Menard Center
Fri-Sat-Sun. April 4-5-6. 9am - 5pm
Early Bird $85; Regular $99, Family $260
Tapes Available
Register HERE

Make Your Own Organic Fertilizer Spray
A hands-on lab/program at the Mat-Su Master Gardeners monthly meeting
Free. Guests are welcome, but
PLEASE email jweaver@mtaonline.net
so we have a count for materials
Location: Palmer
Matanuska Experiment Farm & Ext.Center
Kerttula Hall, Room 208,
1509 S Georgeson , off Trunk Rd. Palmer
Master Composter Training-Free— Fall 2024
Prerequisite: complete the Backyard Composter and Vermi-Composter courses.
You’ll learn additional compost strategies, and how you can apply these to assist residents, businesses, schools, dog mushers, food services, farmers, stable managers, and organizations to develop scaled-up compost operations. We’re asking you to help educate others.
We’ll review basics and then discover how to:
• Blend and compost a wider variety of feedstocks for proper C:N ratios
• Manage and trouble-shoot piles for moisture, temperature, aeration, & odor
• Process larger volumes of compost with static & thermal pile methods.

Free Training: Backyard Composting—Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting—Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting—Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Backyard Composting—Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Backyard Composting —Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting—Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting—Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Backyard Composting —Fall 2024
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

3 Secrets to Repelling Pests & Adding Soil Fertility
Ellie invites you to come learn.
Then go home with practical inexpensive strategies for your organic garden’s nutrition.
At Alaska Mill & Feed, Anchorage.
Sign up at 907 276 6016

Make Your Own All-Purpose Fertilizer —2nd Session
Ellie invites you to come put together a thrifty effective organic fertilizer to address mineral deficiencies. Walk out with a recipe you can make at home to nourish your garden and soil.
At Alaska Mill & Feed, Anchorage.
Sign up at 907 276 6016

Alaska Botanical Garden Spring Conference 2024
Registration is open. Conference is from Saturday 4pm to 8pm and on Sunday 9am to 4:30pm??
Savor the chance to learn from other gardeners. Always a great conference.
Location: Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center, downtown Anchorage
Ellen gives a lively workshop on how to make your own Organic Liquid Fertilizers on the Cheap on Sunday afternoon March 24.

Make Your Own Fertilizer Spray
Ellie presents:
The Soil Whisperer Reveals Secret Recipes!
Come learn and go home with practical inexpensive strategies for your organic garden’s nutrition.
At Aspen Hotel Conference Room in Homer.
The Homer Garden Club welcomes you as a guest! It’s free.

Organic Gardening-The Comprehensive Course— Section 2
Learn to grow the very best food!

Organic Gardening-The Comprehensive Course—Section 1
Learn how to grow nutrient-dense, delicious food!

Free Training: Backyard Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Boron for Morons
The Soil Whisperer Reveals Secret Recipes!
Or shall we say-
Calcium for Dummies
& Boron for Morons
Slink into the lab with the Mad Scientist (Ellie)
Formulate your own home-made nutrient sprays for our most commonly deficient but tricky minerals: Boron & Calcium.
Plan to stand back next summer as your garden bursts with healthier fruits & vegetables.
When: Saturday, Oct 14, 2023 Noon to 2pm
Where: Near Palmer, AK (specific location sent when you register)
Tuition: $20
Register now by emailing information@goodearthgardenschool.com for Boron Class & tell me your name, phone, & email address or call 907-795-3722.

Free Training: Backyard Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Backyard Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722

Free Training: Worm Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722
Free Training: Backyard Composting
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes
Register at compost@matsugov.us or call 907 795 3722
Master Composter Training-Free
Prerequisite: complete the Backyard Composter and Vermi-Composter courses.
You’ll learn additional compost strategies, and how you can apply these to assist residents, businesses, schools, dog mushers, food services, farmers, stable managers, and organizations to develop scaled-up compost operations. We’re asking you to help educate others.
We’ll review basics and then discover how to:
• Blend and compost a wider variety of feedstocks for proper C:N ratios
• Manage and trouble-shoot piles for moisture, temperature, aeration, & odor
• Process larger volumes of compost with static & thermal pile methods.

Vermi-Composter Training-Free
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost

Backyard Composter Training-Free
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes

Vermi-Composter Training-Free
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully start & manage a worm bin
Worm away your food waste
Avoid flies & stench
Know where to apply finished vermi-compost

Backyard Composter Training-Free
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes

Backyard Composter Training-Free
You’ll learn how to:
Successfully compost yard wastes, manures, & food wastes
Remedy a pile that’s too hot, too slow, or too stinky
Produce a matured, high-quality product for gardens & landscapes