Supplies at Alaska Mill and Feed 2020

Author Ellen Vande Visse

Organic Gardening Supplies

at Alaska Mill & Feed
1501 First Ave Anchorage Alaska 99501
Please remember supplies change each year.
Call 907 276-6016
Bagged: various brands, including Susitna Organics Compost
Compost activators
Compost bins, composters- various styles Compost thermometers — 20” stem
Compost turning tools— pitch fork, garden fork, Earthworm castings
Buffaloam Compost
Chicken and steer manure –bagged, sterilized Biochar ?

Compost Tea Brewer
I don’t think they offer brewers anymore.

Worm Composting
Red Wiggler Composting Worms
Worm Bins: Worm Factory & Vermi Bag

Cover Crop & Green Manure Seed
Alaska Soil Booster cover crop blend (hoping for new version 2025)
Aerator tool

Organic Fertilizers & Amendments
Note: Many soil amendments are available in bulk bags and larger sizes. Please ask at counter for assistance.
Alfalfa meal
Bat Guano
Blood meal
Bone meal
Cottonseed meal Endo-mycorrhizal Inoculant
Epsom Salts
Feather Meal
Fox Farm supplements including Happy Frog
Fish Bone Meal
Fish meal
Kelp meal
Lime: dolomite lime and high calcium lime
Molasses –dry granulated
Mycorrhizae Soil & Root Enhancers—several kinds
Organic liquid fertilizers: Alaska Fish Emulsion, Kelp Spray, Sea Spray Rock phosphate
Seabird Guano
Soybean Meal
Sul-Po-Mag or K-Mag

Organic Fertilizer Blends
Dr. Earth
Down to Earth boxed supplements
Liquid Fish Fertilizers by Alaska Fish and Down To Earth Happy Frog by Fox Farm
Vegan Fertilizer Blend

Pest Management
Bayer Organics
Biocare sticky traps–pheromone directed glue traps
Bio-Organic Pest Control Products
Bonide organics
Burn Out Weed Control
Corn gluten for weed prevention (non-toxic)
Diatomaceous Earth
Lady Bugs (Live)
Monteray organic controls
Plantskydd (Moose Repellent)
Safer Pest Control products
Spun polyester floating row covers (as of 5-2020 pkg roll is 250”x6” for $40)

Rain Barrel Kits
Potting soils and ingredients

Black Gold Natural & Organic Coir (coconut husk)
Fishy Peat & Alaska Earth
Fox Farm Organics
Fox Farm soils
Peat moss
Miracle Gro Organic Choice Vermiculite

Season Extenders
IRT plastic mulch in rolls
Spun polyester floating row covers (as of 5-2020, pkg roll is 250” x 6’ for $40)

Seeds & Seedlings
Seed Racks: A very extensive variety of seed racks, organic & non-organic from Renee’s, Territorial, Denali (dba Best Cool Seeds), Burpee, Lake Valley, Ed Hume
Seed Potatoes of many varieties (certified clean)
Vegetable, flower, and herb organic bedding plants in the spring
Inoculants for legumes called Burpee Booster

Tools (more in stock than on list)
Stirrup hoe
Garden or potato fork
Pitch fork
Water Conserving Irrigation Devices
Drip tape and fittings IRT plastic mulch

Soaker hoses

Weeping hoses

Rain barrel kits


Resource Guide for Sustainable Gardening


Sources of Compost and Topsoil in Matsu