Organic Fertilizer Prices at Arctic Organics 2021

Author Arctic Organics

Organic Fertilizer Prices at Arctic Organics 2021

River and Sarah Bean,
1305 N. Smith Rd. Palmer, Alaska
(907) 746-1087
cell (907) 355-2094

Complete Fertilizer Mix for greens, general vegetables and flowers; anything except carrots, potatoes and tomatoes………………$2.50/lb
Comes in 2lb and 5lb Ziploc bags. Bulk if you bring a bucket.

Application rate: 1 pound per 25 square feet, or 4 lbs per 100 sq feet
Contains fish bone meal, langbeinite, blood meal, wood ash, rock phosphate.
The vegetable blend is a slow release so it can be applied just once for whole season crops like Brussels sprouts, or again with any replanting, such as lettuce.

Tomato Mix for best tomato growth and fruiting: ………$2.50/lb
Comes in 2lb and 5lb Ziploc bags. Bulk if you bring a bucket.

Application rate: about 1/3 c. to a 5 gal. size pot and should
be re-applied about 1 month apart.
We recommend 1/2 cup at planting, and 1/2 cup mid-season.
We think 1/3 c. + 1/3 c. +1/3 c. is probably better, but easier to forget.
Contains fish bone meal, langbeinite, blood meal, wood ash, in different proportions than Complete Mix.

Fishbone Meal ………………………………………….$1.50/lb
Comes in 2lb and 5lb Ziploc bags. Bulk if you bring a bucket.
No fishbone meal available in 50lb bags. For root crops like carrot and potato.

Lime ………………………………………………………….$7.50/ 10lb
This is high-calcium lime. The dolomite lime brands have too much magnesium in them. Cheaper price does not mean a superior product. Do not put lime on potato beds.


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