Disease Treatments

Some Short-Term Strategies

for Suppressing Common Diseases

For general prevention and treatment of fungi, mold, mildew, such as:

  • downy mildew 

  • powdery mildew 

  • fusarium wilt

  • gray mold (botrytis)

  • early blight 

  • late blight on potatoes and tomatoes, 

  • leaf blight on grapes,  and more: 

    Spray a liquid fertilizer, such as fish emulsion, seaweed, kelp meal, or diluted molasses every 2 weeks or so.  This foliar feeding boosts nutrition and therefore immunity. 

Regularly spray Actively Aerated Compost Tea (that is properly brewed for 24 hours) every few days.  This is particularly effective to prevent and suppress  plant diseases.

These measures will do wonders to boost the plants’ health and thus enable the plants to resist diseases.

For recipes, see “Recipes for Disease Management” handout.

Keep reading, researching, learning from seed companies like Johnny’s and Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, & asking experienced gardeners!


Managing Weeds Organically


Non-Toxic Slug Management Strategies