Worms & Bins— Sources and Info

Author Ellen Vande Visse

Worms, Bins, Sources, & Info

Worm compost bins- Homemade

— Find great sources of info by doing an on-line search on how to make your own worm compost bin system

Purchasing Bins & Composting Worms in Alaska

Alaska:  Worm Farming Revealed  https://www.wormfarmingrevealed.com/buy-worms-in-alaska.html 

Alaska Mill & Feed: 1-907-276-6016 www.alaskamillandfeed.com
Can-O-Worms and Worm Factory bins. Also Red Wigglers.  

Anchorage & will ship: Red wigglers & European night crawlers at Tim's Plants, Produce, & Worms @  tpritchett@gci.net  907-529-4681

Homer:  Red Wigglers from Cookie at Cookie's Greenhouse

Mat-Su:  Red wigglers from Lisa. Facebook page: Alaska Wigglers 907 982-1999

Mat-Su: Worm Castings   Lew’s Clews  907-775-3930

Red Wigglers Does anyone have current information on suppliers? Let me know at information@goodearthgardenschool.com so I can list them.

Some Great Information Sources

Worms Eat My Garbage by Mary Appelhof

The Worm Book by Loren Nancarrow and Janet Hogan Taylor (both books available from www.acresusa.com book sales)

Harnessing the Earthworm; A Practical Inquiry Into Soil-Building by Thomas Jason Barret http://books.google.com/books?id=ZZssrk1M5zUC&pg=PA27&lpg=PA28&ots=TPlegKbtVB&dq=harnessing+the+worm


Red Wiggler Worms and Composting


Worm Tea to Nourish Your Plants